An odd thing about Waikiki: limousines everywhere. We were confused by this until we hailed our taxi to the airport. Yep, a limousine! My first time ever riding in one, actually. The cost was the same as a regular taxi.
Check-in was smooth at HNL so we had plenty of time to walk around. The interisland flight to Hilo took about 40 minutes, landing in ITO around 11:25am. Immediately, we felt a bit more relaxed being back on the Big Island. After figuring out the rental car (and almost being confused into paying for insurance we didn't need), we were off to downtown for some lunch at Cronie's - a place we discovered last year.

Because we could not check into The Falls until 3pm, we puttered around the Hilo shops for a few hours, adding some items to our mental wish lists at Basically Books (one of the finest book stores around, with exceptional customer service).

Finally, we hit the local Sack-n-Save for some groceries and drove up to Reed's Island for our reunion with Paradise. While our anniversary was yesterday, we decided to wait to observe/celebrate it today while in our favorite spot. The owners are gifted hosts. Not only is the house impeccably clean upon arrival, there are fresh tropical bouquets on each table, gifts of coffee, cookies and mac nuts laid out on the kitchen table and Hawaiian music already playing on the CD player. All the memories of our wedding here last year came rushing back. We just couldn't stop smiling.
For our anniversary dinner, we returned to Cafe Pesto, where we held our rehearsal dinner last year. Following an amazing meal that Dan will write about in fine detail, we walked home. As a side note, walking in the dark in the tropics is kind of spooky.
DanG surpised me by tracking down the baker who made our wedding cake last year and having her re-create the top. We did not have to miss out on that tradition, which was wonderful.
More adventure awaits us on the Big Island!
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